Bonjour, une intervention sur POD aura lieu ce lundi 20 Janvier de 13h à 14h.
Laboratoires.Ecoles, Collège et Formation doctorales
Stratégie. Séminaires, colloques. Sciences et société
Réseaux et pôles d'excellence. Investissements d'avenir (Labex)
Wide audience. Goal: tutorials and presentations of features associated with the European infrastructure VisionAir. no time limit on a priori
VISIONAIR : High Definition videoconferencing tools in remote medical diagnosis, remote live dance, Real-time transmission of multimedia contents, artistic performances, Wearables and Smart Environments, Remote Music Rehearsals
10 février 2015
High Definition videoconferencing tools in remote medical diagnosis, Research on creation of remote live dance performances using immersive environments, Real-time transmission of multimedia contents for their visualization in an immersive environment system, 4) Research on networked artistic performances, 5) Remote co-working Hackathon on Wearables and Smart Environments, 6) Remote Music RehearsalsHigh Definition videoconferencing tools in remote medical diagnosis, Research on creation of remote live dance performances using immersive environments, Real-time transmission of multimedia contents for their visualization in an immersive environment system, 4) Research on networked artistic performances, 5) Remote co-working Hackathon on Wearables and Smart Environments, 6) Remote Music Rehearsals