Bannière Recherche Recherche

Laboratoires.Ecoles, Collège et Formation doctorales 

Stratégie. Séminaires, colloques. Sciences et société

Réseaux et pôles d'excellence. Investissements d'avenir (Labex)

Licence Creative Commons Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation under Resource Constraint

16 juin 2011
Durée : 00:50:19
Nombre de vues 15
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
Nombre de favoris 0
Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya / LIG

Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is a fundamental problem in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Amongst various approaches to WSD, it is the supervised machine learning (ML) based approach that is the dominant paradigm today. However, ML based techniques need significant amount of resource in terms of sense annotated corpora which takes time, energy and manpower to create. Not all languages have this resource, and many of the languages cannot afford it.

In the current presentation, we discuss ways of making use of whatever resource is created for WSD. First we describe a novel scoring function and an iterative algorithm based on this function to do WSD. This function separates the influence of the annotated corpus (corpus parameters) from the influence of wordnet (wordnet parameters), in deciding the sense. Next we describe how the corpus of one language can help WSD of another language, i.e., LANGUAGE ADAPTATION. This is presented in three setting of "complete", "some" and "no" annotation. From this we move on to DOMAIN ADAPTATION where the notion of active learning and injection are pursued to do WSD in a domain with little or no annotated corpora. The extensive evaluation and good accuracy figures lend credence to the viability of our approach which points to the possibility of expanding from one language-domain combination to all language-domain combinations for WSD, i.e., multilingual general domain WSD, a long standing dream of NLP.

The talk is presented in a multilingual setting of Indian languages. There are 22 official languages in India with strong requirements of machine translation and cross lingual search. Our languages of focus in this talk are Hindi and Marathi along with English and the domains of focus are Tourism and Health which are important to India.

The presentation is based on work done with PhD and Masters students Mitesh, Salil, Saurabh, Anup, Sapan and Piyush, published ACL10, COLING10, EMNLP09 and GWC10.

Mots clés : lig


  • Ajouté par : Gricad Vidéos
  • Mis à jour le : 1 janvier 2021 00:00
  • Chaîne :
  • Type : Conférences
  • Langue principale : Français
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