Licence Creative Commons D. Bucci: Design of analog integrated circuits, lecture 4

16 mars 2021
Durée : 01:54:36
Nombre de vues 63
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
Nombre de favoris 0

At the beginning, beware to the usual (small) abuse of language in the notation between things such as Id and Id0. Here are the slides of the gm/Id presentation. Beware: a loud crack is present at 1:35!

In this lecture, I did an exercise (transistor impedences) where I left the students try to calculate parameters by themselves. While the students were working, I answered to individual questions in french and in italian language. The result in the recording is a funny mix of languages. I am glad to see that at least  most of the times the questions of the students can be heard in the recording.

  • 2.2.6 The normalized gm/Id parameter
  • (Transistor impedances, cascoding transistors)

Mots clés : analog circuits ekv model integrated microelectronics mosfet


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